Sorrento is located about 30 km far from Pompeii and 50 km from Naples, is one of the most important touristic villages in Campania region. Our tour lasts about two hours and starts from the main square “Piazza Tasso”, dedicated to the author of “GerusalemmeLiberata” who was born here in 1544.

The historical center keeps the original greek-roman structure and is very picturesque thanks to the several little shops of local craftsmen, including the famous and unique “INTARSIO” inlaid wood.
We reach the famous “SedilDominova” monumental building dating back to the 14th century, where local upper class used to meet. After we walk to the local park which offers one of the most beautiful view of the bay of Naples. Not far from here we visit the 14th century cloister in Arabic style. During our tour we will visit various churches including S.AntoninoPatron Saint of the city(santopatronodellacittà) full of baroque decorations and a precious crypt.
This tour can be combined with a visit to the “Correale di Terranova” museum in which are kept samples of ancient art, paintings and other art objects. Very famous above all for sorrentine inlaid wood and some objects in Capodimonte porcelain.